Tuesday, July 14, 2009
"School" Implies "Out of the House"
Since the beginning of time- or since I have been aware of it- families have participated in home-schooling as an alternative to public or private education. This institution is certainly beneficial in a variety of ways, especially if the students are unable (because of a physical, social, or mental condition) to participate adequately in a public education setting. Also, parents who feel very strongly that sending their children to a school might in some way interfere with their parenting goals can fall back on home-schooling to educate their offspring. Thus, let me reiterate... there are advantages.
However, I'm not sure I am a huge supporter of the process. I am most vehemently opposed to it simply because of my neighbors. I know that sounds foolish. It is. But I can make an extremely good argument for public education by using them as an example.
From what I can see and have heard, they have basically limited their daughter's interactions with other kids to home-schooling play-groups and dance lessons. The girls don't play with any of the neighborhood children, and although they are out in the yard at times, the family still has the reputation of hiding behind their curtains and spying on their neighbors.
This is the wrong way to go. Why do I say this? Because school isn't just about classes, homework, and teachers. Rather, it's also about the millions of lessons that are learned by social interaction in the hallways and at the lunch table. Children learn to socialize, analyze, and mature by talking, laughing, and observing. When you don't allow a child to attend a social institution such as a school, you are robbing them of important lessons which are absolutely vital to being a successful person later in life.
I want to address two hypothetical (and yet predictable) complaints towards my opinion.
1). Schools contain a high percentage of negative social lessons that will damage both my child's moral code/proper development and the methods by which I have raised my child.
Yes, I cannot lie. There are plenty of negative lessons in school. Whether it's wrong information about sex, tough lessons about adolescent relationships, or the complicated inner-workings of teenage friendships, your children will encounter a good deal of hardships. However, if your children never encounter these obstacles and situations, they will be unprepared to deal with them as adults. School is an opportunity to hone social skills and learn to function appropriately in mainstream society. Keeping your child out of school deprives them of the "trial and error" part of his or her life, and arguably they will be much more naive and unprepared to deal with other adults who had the chance to mature socially.
2). My children can learn all of their social skills by interacting with other home-schooled children.
True, some social interaction is better than none. However, I must ask: what type of children are being home-schooled? I ask this because, if these children all come from similar families (for example, let's say middle-class orthodox Christian), then they are simply reaffirming the lessons they learn at home. Homogeny doesn't allow for an appropriate spectrum of experiences to help children grow into citizens who can deal with the many different components of an adult life. Schools increase the chance of interaction with students of varied backgrounds, which expands the child's social knowledge. Sure, not all schools are heterogeneous either. But it's a better bet than home-schooling.
There will always be reasons to home-school. But it is perhaps more compelling to consider the richness of a public education.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Schools Are Hot-Beds of Debate
But here's a fun little list of upcoming topics (perhaps) on my blog of amazing-ness:
1). National standards... feasible?
2). SOLs... destroying effective teaching?
3). Sex education... what's the best approach?
4). Grading... how... to... do... it... well...
Monday, June 15, 2009
The Great Battle for Professionalism
I remember, back in English class sophomore year of high school, that my teacher mentioned getting professional email addresses. One of the students had a particularly juvenile account name, and so my teacher made a comment about adapting our accounts to professional stature... although not in such words. The point was made, though.
Naturally, a lot of us mature and begin thinking about our futures... at some point. There will always be a whole slew of students who have to spend the week after college graduation deleting embarrassing photos of themselves from the Internet. But we learn our lessons, for the most parts.
However, some of us don't. Recently, I have been contacting students about subleasing their apartments for the upcoming semester, as I will only be at my school for one more term. One of the responses I received was from the father of the student. He gave me some information about the apartment, the complex, and also the other girls living in the apartment.
That's all well and good. It is a little weird that he wasn't having his daughter handle the subleasing.
And then... the problem was made obvious. His email address. "Coochdoc."
Now, it's one thing that his last name is Couture. It's quite another that he might use that name (or his profession?) in such a low manner in a professional setting. Did he not think I would realize the inappropriate account name?
Honestly, it's fairly ridiculous. This man is a father.
And thus, that begins the whole argument about our actions and our image. I'm sure quite a few of us want to argue that our pictures, wall posts, and text messages don't have any effect on how we are viewed as professionals and career experts. However, those things CAN (but that doesn't mean they will) bite us in the ass.
Look at it this way: if the only thing a potential employer has seen of us is our resume, our email address, and twenty pictures of spring break with that Jamaican hottie, we aren't putting up a good front. Sure, it's not that I really like saying all that... I want to live my life and have no consequences from doing so.
But my parents have talked to me about weight, and its effect on my image. If my weight can lose me a job opportunity, so can all of our frat party mistakes.
I feel like I am relatively conscious of my actions. But I still have to ask... if a picture of me with a cocktail surfaces on a potential employer's computer, and that picture was taken after my 21st birthday... what's the big deal?
Are some employers judging too harshly?
And, if things like college partying and good times with friends weigh so heavily on future employment, why are we even allowed to enjoy those adventures? It's a balance. Have the fun. Hide the habits. And destroy the evidence.
Being a good employee and role model doesn't mean having to sit at home on Saturday night with a few cats.
Friday, June 12, 2009
School. Internment Camp or Commune?
Even Stalin had his gulags... I suppose that all countries and social groups have their periods of which later generations are shameful.
The point is, as students in history class we learned how these internment camps operated. In some, death was the goal. In others, segregation and disrespect were common. Whatever the type of camp, the term "internment" evokes a feeling of controlled behavior and loss of freedoms.
How many kids feel as if their school is that way today?
Discipline and behavior management are important topics for administrators and teachers. No teacher wants to feel vulnerable and weak in front of students; we all want to have a respected position among our students. Otherwise, what learning is going to take place if the teacher can't even get the students to quiet down?
However, some schools have taken this concept of management way TOO far. School becomes a zone of a bazillion rules and practically no lee-way for students. Cell phones are banned, soft drinks are discouraged, lunch areas are closed off and patrolled. Tardy slips are not given out in deserving situations (like finishing a test after the bell rings), hall passes are near impossible to come by, and security guards are stationed at every door.
This is ridiculous.
There are certainly reasons why these measures have been implemented. Plenty of schools face problems with gangs, fighting, drug use, etc. I am certainly not saying that no rules is the way to go. However, what is TOO much?
My alma mater, a fairly affluent high school in Chesapeake, Virginia, got a new principal within the last few years. Since then, I have heard stories of her overdone rule systems and ridiculous regulations.
Let me rant a little bit. Understand, of course, that she didn't cause all of the problems with behavior management; some of these rules were already in place.
1). Students should be able to purchase soft drinks during the day at school. It's not the school system's responsibility to manage students' diets (except for providing meals), and teachers can simply limit hall passes to the drink machines.
2). Needing a permission slip to take another senior to the senior prom (i.e. both of you are seniors) is absolutely ridiculous. Why the hell is that necessary? You are BOTH seniors!
3). Giving students barely enough time to get to class is a pain in the ass. Sure, maybe you're trying to minimize lolly-gagging, but at the same time you're forcing students to rush everywhere.
Basically, my old school is run like a prison. And that just isn't right. First of all, try obeying that ever-present cardinal rule of adolescence: if you ban it, they will do it. Kids are all about rebellion. So limiting their every movement and proving you don't trust them will only provoke them to have bad attitudes about behavior. That bad attitude can't be helpful in building a strong school community.
Besides... can't all you administrators remember the days when you were in school? School isn't just about passing tests and making SOL cuts. It's about enjoying life, socializing, and learning the all-important life lessons from dealing with other people.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Call Me Ishmael... Or Call Me Censored Literature.
It has its all-important place in many areas of media, but in one particular field it seems it has become absolutely ridiculous; and that field is literature (and its place in the classroom).
I remember quite vividly some of the commentary by my 10th-grade English teacher when she was discussing PABBIS (Parents Against Bad Books in School), and her comments have very much affected my ideas on the matter. Over the years, I have decided that censorship has become misunderstood in educational contexts.
Censorship is not useless. Sure, there is no earthly reason why students should read Cosmo for English or tabloids for history. The books in the classroom need to have true value for the students. And that is exactly why teachers want to use novels like Lord of the Flies. There is some value.
However, it is my understanding of PABBIS (through the impression given to me by my former teacher) that basically every book is bad... simply because there is bad language or suggestion. For example, one may not be able to use Gone With the Wind because there are sex scenes and the word "damn." (I do apologize, Clark Gable.)
This is a simple case of contextual misunderstanding. One thing that people are quick to forget is that not all books were written in the gross political correctness that we are so used to today. Some books were written in highly-racist times, others in eras of religious fervor. However, we are so quick to judge books by contemporary standards... and what are we losing by doing so?
A fabulous book which I have studied in numerous classes is Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. It is a wonderfully-simple book about the trials of an African community which is suddenly faced with Western influence.
As great as that book is, Achebe wrote an article addressing the issue of censorship. He discussed in particular Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, pointing out that teaching such a book in school reinforces inequality issues and racism and stereotypes. Basically, there is a negative influence on children. For all of us familiar with Conrad's work, we know there are definitely racist remarks in there.
However, we understand that Conrad lived in an era which encouraged racism and separation. Thus, we see the value in studying his works and opinions, but we know to distinguish the rights and wrongs for our children and students.
So, my fellow educators, there is your problem. We forget to mention that part of teaching literature in school is actually TEACHING it. We aren't setting these kids free to read possibly controversial books without taking the time to explain things to them. Sure, they need to read all that classic literature- Tom Sawyer, Heart of Darkness. But if we, as educators, make sure to describe contextual beliefs and era-produced attitudes, they can still come away from class as informed (and un-prejudiced) citizens.
Teachers. Teach the books. Explain the material. Prosper.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Red Pens Are the Work of the Grading Devil
So, I have been told (as the exemplary education student that I am), that red pens should not be used in the classroom. The reason for this is that these pens, which emit the bright and stereotype-ridden hue of failure, lower children's self-esteem. I believe this is because students are automatically discouraged when they are handed back papers riddled with red ink... there is an automatic feeling of failure and inadequacy.
I can understand that students react to red pen in this manner. After years of experiencing brief notes and big Xs on papers, students are trained to see red pen as the sign of inaccuracy and "points off." But red pen should NOT be banned for these reasons. Here is why:
The first reason has to do with the pen itself. Red pen isn't the culprit... it's just the tool of the teacher. And the teacher needs to make sure that he or she defines the manner in which he or she assesses- including the moods of such assessments. This may sound confusing. What I am saying is that if teachers create a classroom atmosphere in which assessment is formative, often, open, understood, and open for student-teacher communication, red pen shouldn't be an issue at all.
To start with, the teacher needs to spend some time at the beginning of the year addressing assessment. During this forum discussion (where the students can and should participate), the teacher should express his or her procedures for assessing, including how students can be involved in the process and what part feedback and revisions play in assignments. An important point needs to be made- that when a student receives a graded paper back, they should not immediately be discouraged or annoyed at red marks, but rather that they should look at the marks as steps towards perfection. Red pen is not the problem. It's the students' reactions ("I'm inadequate", "I failed", "I don't even care or want to try to improve") that need to be changed, not the color of pen used.
The next issue having to do with red pen is accountability. Sure, there are plenty of sources out there which stress student accountability in doing all types of things, from homework to class discussions. But there's a whole lot of weight on the teacher to "make" the class successful or "push" the class towards curricular goals. At the end of the day, the teacher is judged on the success of his or her students. That makes sense, but only if it's being done in an appropriate manner.
Whoever has argued that red pens lower self-esteem have a) bad experiences with assessment and b) habits of babying students. Seriously, kids are capable of so much; don't baby them through life!
What are we teaching kids if we don't challenge them, don't hold them accountable, and don't show them negative consequences? We are teaching them they can slide their ways through life, and that lesson doesn't belong in school.
Students MUST be accountable. There's only so much a teacher can do to help students and encourage success. If students don't put in an effort, it's not fair. It seems that there are plenty of ways today to take the blame off of students, and that's not right. Sure, they can't do everything alone; but neither can teachers.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
To Bachelor's, or Not to Bachelor's?
A couple of weeks ago, I mailed out announcements to family and friends to inform them of my impending (ignore the dooms-day feel of that word) graduation from James Madison University. I was receiving a Bachelor's of Science in "Interdisciplinary Social Science" with minors in Secondary Education and French.
The ceremony was great- excepting an overly-egotistical keynotes speaker whose main focus was his "green" lifestyle, and not the awesomeness of our 2009 graduation. Note to self... keep ridiculous personal information and political statements to a minimum when orating during a celebration of other people's accomplishments.
Now here's my selfish tid-bit: although I have received some excellent gifts, I haven't received the volume of gifts or cards as I did from my high school graduation. At least, I don't think I have. Now, maybe the post office is backed up, or the dog ate my cards, but this phenomenon led me to ask a very important question:
In our society, is high school graduation more celebrated than college graduation?
I find that this question opens up several different cans of worms. For one, I come from a population of students (and families) where college is the norm. The expected. That all-important keg-driven four years where you wind up 15 pounds heavier and much wiser (at least on the topic of mixing drinks). For us, yes, it's a big deal.
But there is a whole other side to the story. For families who don't expect their children to attend college, high school graduation is a huge celebration. Or, for families who have experienced a high degree of chaos, problems, or trauma, graduation from high school could be a true feat.
So now, we have two groups of people: those who expect college and those who don't. But I'm not sure there is always a direct correlation between these groups and their opinions of graduations. I'm in the "expecting college" group, and yet my high school graduation brought me much monetary praise and my college graduation did not. Are we still stuck in a society that treats secondary education as more important?
Hell no. I just am examining the issues.
My last point to make has to do with the educational system. As an up-and-coming teacher (a.k.a. superhero), I hope that I can help children succeed in pursuing post-secondary education. Our job field and society stress higher education. It's my duty to help children thrive (no matter what they choose after school)... but in wanting students to go to college:
Shouldn't we be celebrating college graduations as much as high school graduations?
Friday, May 15, 2009
The First of the Summer
Now, I am proud to say that I officially have a degree. Forreals. It's scary, definitely, but I'm getting used to it.
The summer job hunt has begun... and that's always a party with angel food cake. This summer isn't stressing me as much (yet) in that arena, but I really do need to score something soon. Bachelor's degree = something good, I'm hoping.
Topic of the day is: revenge. But really folks, my intellectual muse is understimulated.
Next post to have something better, hopefully.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Philosophizing a Bit
For three years, I have followed education courses which have dealt with issues all the way from diversity to "PowerPoint Learning Objects". And now, I have to condense a plethora of random convictions into a short amount of meaningful space. A great task. Except, some of that stress is reduced since really, technology is my priority in this epic blog experience.
For one, I have to continue to believe in the power of a teacher (3). Not only the power to help a student earn a decent grade in a class, but the power to change adolescent perceptions of success and of the future. Yes, please refer to any and all inspirational educator movies in order to understand my sentiment. Alongside this "belief in teachers," there is a random assortment of resources which reference the "Power of One" idea; quotes, film clips, articles. I have provided a few links in order to aid you in better understanding where these inspirations come from.
"The Power of One." (Video). http://www.caringstrangers.com/powerofone.htm
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. (Margaret Mead) http://womenshistory.about.com/cs/quotes/a/qu_margaretmead.htm
Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is most important that you do it. (Gandhi) http://www.famous-quotations.com/
We must become the change we want to see. (Gandhi) http://www.famous-quotations.com/
And, if you're dying for a connection between teacher power and technology, indulge in these fantastic (and simple!) quotes:
- Teachers are vital to the learning process. Tech is good, but it is not a perfect substitute.
- Computers can never replace humans.
- Learning is based on motivation, and without teachers that motivation would cease to exist. (7)
However, it's no longer just an issue of content or an issue of standards or an issue of interesting curricula. As we have learned in this class, it is now also a question of technology. We are led to inquire: how can we possibly find the happy medium between exemplary education and technological use?
We have been able to explore applications, articles, websites, and techniques in order to give us, as future educators, a "leg up" when it comes to having our own wired classrooms (isn't that one of the main points of this class?). As a practicum student, I've had limited experience with SmartBoard and online quiz game-making. But, even though there's a small chance I will even have a SmartBoard (much less more than two computers in my classroom), I still have to train myself to be ready for the day when the gods bless me with twenty top-of-the-line MacBooks and matching iPods.
Here's the simplest point of philosophical rambling about technology and education and kids: it's not about "fighting" the negative effects of technology, it's about FINDING A BALANCE.
Don't trivialize it, capitalize on it.
Consider, for example, the various websites provided at the bottom of this blog. They all have some tidbit of information related to our students and technology, and can even be used in helping to build that all-important, personal philosophy about students and technology.
Belief #1: There are negative effects of technology on education; be aware of them.
Education is no exception to those institutions affected by technological problems. Cell phone use, unfair nation-wide distribution of school funds, bad technology use by teachers... it happens. The first step in being an informed educator is to know the problems and work against them.
For the Wiki project, my partner and I looked at attentional deployment/multi-tasking. The articles I found were quite informative as to the negatives of multi-tasking; the result is students who aren't necessarily absorbing the information they need to absorb. That, obviously enough, has some big significance in the education world. Also, however, I read up in this articles about brain structure, and how brains respond to alleged "multi-tasking"; and the truth is, the brain (even though it's going through its own evolutionary process) isn't the multi-tasker we assumed it to be. Therefore, yes, there are certainly problems with kids doing all those different things on top of homework.
Not only that, but the brain isn't currently as adapted to technology (or, really, our tech habits) as it needs to be. One of the articles points out that at the rate we use technology (every blinkin' chance), our brain's processes of use and relaxation aren't getting done. This can't possibly be good for children's brain abilities. (4, 5, 6)
Of course, a huge point to consider (and to make distinctions): "For all the handwringing about Generation M, technology is not really the problem. "The problem," says Hallowell, "is what you are not doing if the electronic moment grows too large"--too large for the teenager and too large for those parents who are equally tethered to their gadgets. In that case, says Hallowell, "you are not having family dinner, you are not having conversations, you are not debating whether to go out with a boy who wants to have sex on the first date, you are not going on a family ski trip or taking time just to veg. It's not so much that the video game is going to rot your brain, it's what you are not doing that's going to rot your life." (5)
Belief #2: Teachers need to have the right amount of training before they can be appropriate users of classroom technology.
I could really just sum up this entire belief by saying: attend Educational Technology. But, the fact of the matter is, having a teacher who isn't flexible around technology or who uses it incorrectly doesn't help students. What's more, teachers might not even understand how to react to children's behavior problems with technology; if the teacher catches a student using a cell phone, but then doesn't know how to turn it off... sounds pathetic. (lecture, etc.)
This entire semester has been full of discussions and demonstrations which apply to this belief. The whole point of the semester was not only to fulfill any state requirements in technological competence, but also to learn software and methods that might actually be helpful in our classrooms.
WebQuests: This seems self-explanatory, as we have discussed the topic in class. But, for repetition's sake, WebQuests are awesome ways to promote student-led learning in a forum which tests children's skills at synthesizing information, working as a group, preparing presentations, and also surfing the Web for appropriate resources. Complementary lessons on authoritative Webpages and search engines can be used to helps students with the WebQuest.
Newsletters: Even though we created these for parent-teacher reasons, students can still use them on their own. Students can do projects like historical advertisements or "one-page" newspapers and "publish" their own flyers.
Digital Stories: I won't go into detail, as I wrote a whole page on this subject previously.
PowerPoint Tutorials: So much is possible here. Not only can teachers use them as lesson enhancers, but students can create them to help other students (or even other classes!)
Wikis: What better way to get students synthesizing information AND using the web at the same time? Bravo Wiki pages! Refer to my Wiki response for an idea on Wiki use.
The point to remember is: I've heard that technology is not necessarily greater than the teacher. So, use technology, but don't forget that your position as a teacher is still powerful! (7)
Belief #3: Basic is okay.
I inserted this belief as a reaction to an article I read about online courses and their positions in grade schools. My reaction was that, although having online courses can definitely be a help in some schools, I don't think they are necessarily vital at this point in time (which was mentioned in the article). I've been through four years of college and haven't taken an online class.
The point about "basics" is that although technology is awesome, that doesn't mean that there needs to be an overload of it. An overload is not only expensive, but also questionably necessary. Not all students are going to become computer scientists. Therefore, when designing projects or teaching technology use, teachers need to focus on solidifying basic skills in their students. (This reminds me a bit of an article on homework I read, and about homework format and focus- I don't have the exact citation on me.) For example, knowing how to surf the web, use search engines, write/send emails, determine webpage authority, and use Microsoft Office are probably the basics. If there's a chance to expand further than that, great. But administrators and teachers shouldn't become fixated on the idea that more technology = better learning. Thus, online classes probably aren't a necessary component. Aim for survival in the digital world when teaching technology. (1, homework articles)
Belief #4: Find the zen, find the feng shui.
As articles have noted (and the video provided on the Wiki page), the solution to multi-tasking or "technology" problems isn't to take an extreme route. Rather, it's all about compromise. Make kids do a graphic organizer about the Mongols and then play Marvel Capcom. In fact, we've discussed rewards and reinforcers in my Behavior Management class... it's a good system. Sometimes, you just gotta remember that there are more important things in life than checking Facebook. (4, 5, 6)
(Although, I've had a hard time learning that lesson.)
Resources to Note and Cite for This Blog and for Further Information
1). "Schools Won’t Require Online Class. Yet." Winnie Hu. Published January 30, 2009. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/01/education/01educnj.html?_r=2&scp=4&sq=education%20online%20February%202009&st=cse
2). (Cell Phone Article). http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/DigitalEducation/
3). “Children "Tune out" in Response to the Ambiguous Communication Style of Powerless Adults.” Daphne Blunt Bugental, Judith E. Lyon, Eta K. Lin, Emily P. McGrath and Alfred Bimbela. Child Development, Vol. 70, No. 1 (Jan. - Feb., 1999), pp. 214-230. Published by: Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the Society for Research in Child Development.
4). “The Perils of Multitasking: When Kids are Plugged In, How Much Sinks In?” Margery D. Rosen. February 28, 2007. http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww2.scholastic.com%2Fbrowse%2Farticle.jsp%3Fid%3D11595&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFrqEzc04P8kNBsaFRSlO8guVKkG9BFBtA
5). “The Multitasking Generation.” Claudia Wallis. March 19, 2006. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1174696-2,00.html
6). “Too Much Multitasking.” ConnectWithKids. Accessed April 2, 2009. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nUMNCzalXI
7). "Is It Age or IT: First Steps Toward Understanding the Net Generation." Diana and James Oblinger. http://www.educause.edu/Resources/EducatingtheNetGeneration/IsItAgeorITFirstStepsTowardUnd/6058
Also cite my courses and professors.If I did not explicitly cite every section, cite them now.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Online... Better Than Off-line?
In the most basic sense, the article is discussing the prevalence and subsequent requirement/non-requirement of having online courses in pre-collegiate schools. Although the state mentioned most firsthandedly was New Jersey, the article did provide some "shocking" details about online courses in other states. And, it seems a little surprising- maybe just because I don't remember online courses being part of my high school experience.
According to the article:
More than 70 percent of the nearly 15,000 school districts in the United States currently offer at least one online course, enrolling more than a million students last school year alone, said Susan Patrick, president of the International Association for K-12 Online Learning, which estimates that online enrollment has increased about 30 percent annually since 1997. “It’s growing faster than any other innovation in K-12 education,” she said.
What? Forreal? Like, really?
It's not that I am so surprised by its growth rate; really, I'm not sure that any of us conscious individuals should be surprised by the popularity and growth rates of technology anymore. It's that, all of these schools were using online courses... and where was that while I was trudging the halls of Great Bridge High School?
For one, the advantages mentioned in the article are certainly enticing. There are always going to be students who want to go the extra mile and study something not found in person in their schools. Or there are always going to be students who have time issues or learning disabilities or other needs for potential online courses. And sure, there's nothing wrong on capitalizing on the use of email and other technological "stuff", since kids these days seem to be BFFs with gadgets.
But, that doesn't mean that there aren't any arguments against using online courses. For one... is it really necessary? As a college student, I haven't taken any online courses. Sure, they're there- but it hasn't been necessary. And, if I haven't had to... then why should it be so important for a high schooler to do so?
What's more, I remember some of the students who wanted to take an extra course back in high school. I'm pretty sure one or two of them met with my history teacher during lunch and studied Comparative Government. Sure, there was likely an electronic component to their meetings- but was it to the extent of an official online class?
Another allusion in this article- "the standards debate." I have actually participated in a discussion of curriculum standards in my MSSE 625 class, and this article hints at needing state-to-state cooperation when it comes to the standards for online classes. Is that even achievable?
And what's more, there's always the issue of money in schools (money matters are mentioned in the article). Some schools have enough, other schools do not. Should money be funnelled toward online courses, or towards other educational components which might be more beneficial? (Enter the possibility of Kindles, as provoked by Katie and Rachel's Net Generation presentation.) It sort of goes along with that whole idea of "just because you can doesn't mean you should/have to." Just because the technology is available to provide schools with online classes doesn't mean they have to use it (or should).
And, for anyone who will fight that it's awesome for teaching methods of technological use, might I suggest that it's probably easier (and less expensive and time-consuming) to just show children how to send emails or deposit documents into digital dropboxes? You can even show them how to do Webinars or watch YouTube videos, without taking an online course. Sounds good to me. Taking online courses does not equal technological mastery.
“There may be value to exposing students to this type of instruction,” said Mr. Belluscio, whose group offers Webinars for school board members. “But it may not be such a critical part of high school redesign that we need to make it a requirement.”
Last point: Teachers > Technology. Google the research.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The Quest for the Perfect Quest
So, it seems ideal that a WebQuest could be partnered with another intensive assessment in my classroom; and that is what I shall attempt to do. A fairly intensive, large-scale assessment which I have planned for a unit has to do with cultural conflict, and a WebQuest might be an excellent way for students to research their topics in a monitored, organized way.
It's 4 a.m. in the morning. Suddenly, as you are happily sleeping, your cell phone starts vibrating. You try to ignore it. But whoever it is keeps calling and calling and calling. Slightly annoyed, you answer the call.
On the other end of the line is a deep voice. The man tells you that you have been selected for a secret meeting of international experts, and that you need to get on a plane to Switzerland in the next two hours.
He tells you that you have been selected because of your expertise in cultural conflict. You have studied specific conflicts thoroughly and you have information that could help save lives and repair relationships between groups.
You accept the challenge.
Once you arrive in Switzerland, you will prepare a speech to deliver to an international council. The council is interested in finding solutions for some significant and problematic cultural conflicts, and they want your help.
Your speech will combine information about a particular conflict; you must give the history of the conflict and describe major events and groups involved in the conflict, as well as inform the council as to what solutions might be best for the conflict.
You are an expert. Now, surf the web for information and CHANGE THE WORLD!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
It's All Greek to Me!
The Webquest I investigated dealt with Ancient Greece- specifically, however, in developing an understanding both of this era's lifestyles and of their opinions on "what makes a good person." Check it out at: http://www.iwebquest.com/greece/greece.htm.
Overall, I can't really say much bad about this Webquest... but I will mention some key problems with its functionality. For one, the writer of the Webquest has a definite problem with grammar. Although that is not the end of the world, it is quite an annoyance- and it is, of course, vital to make sure your Webquest is not only usable, but readable and professional!
Also, a HUGE problem that I encountered is that a good number of links were not operative any longer. And, there was one specific page that pulled up as an "error"- but once the kids navigated away from it, they were still able to find information. These links problems are absolutely problematic (duh!) for a Webquest's success. My advice- make sure those pages you are using are not going anywhere!
A less serious comment is that not only did a good number of the links fail, but other links just pulled up the page for the students to use. Of course, as we have learned in class, it would be more of a "quest" if the students had to click-click before locating the information.
However, enough with the bad. How about some positives of this Webquest? For one, the author did provide a bazillion websites and books for the children to use. (Admittedly, I did come across the same failed webpages numerous times, hinting that different links led to the same page or general website... but, there isn't much wrong with including various links to one website, if the author finds it useful.) In fact, one link had an extensive list of books that the children might want to investigate!
Also, in each step of the project, the author had essential questions for the students, as well as questions asking them for input on the project. For instance, sometimes the author asked the students to email their responses!
Also, the tasks went from exploratory types to (gasp! every teacher get excited!) application types! Isn't application the end all and be all of education?? Students used the website to develop ideas, and then they had to be the authors of their own myths! What's more, after the myths were created, the students would have to perform them!
And I must give a HUGE SHOUT-OUT to the author for one outstanding quality of the Webquest; the fact that there were links included to help the students write and perform their myths! I think it's absolutely genius that the author decided those links would be helpful for his students! Congrats, author, on thinking outside the box!
All in all... good job! The author used the Webquest both for data collection and for student reference!
As a final note, the author used Ancient Greece in an unique way- having to do with character traits. However, any teacher could use myths/heroes in a variety of interesting ways; such subjects definitely have potential for exciting students!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Yo Yo Cell Phones?
Her blog does beg a specific technological question which perhaps some of us have already considered... are cell phones (and iPods!) really so anti-educational? I've heard of the benefits of iPods for educators, and this author mentions a program that is marrying cell phones and math... so would it be better to just resist the urge to prohibit cell phones and iPods in school and instead make them beneficial for students?
Comment on this for me!
And, this author has other blogs available with links. Check it out.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
More Personality Stuff

Last of my personality tests:
Sensing learners tend to like learning facts, intuitive learners often prefer discovering possibilities and relationships.
Sensors often like solving problems by well-established methods and dislike complications and surprises; intuitors like innovation and dislike repetition. Sensors are more likely than intuitors to resent being tested on material that has not been explicitly covered in class.
Sensors tend to be patient with details and good at memorizing facts and doing hands-on (laboratory) work; intuitors may be better at grasping new concepts and are often more comfortable than sensors with abstractions and mathematical formulations.
Sensors tend to be more practical and careful than intuitors; intuitors tend to work faster and to be more innovative than sensors.
Sensors don't like courses that have no apparent connection to the real world; intuitors don't like "plug-and-chug" courses that involve a lot of memorization and routine calculations.
Also, although it is probably because I have been exposed to computers a lot during my life, I am able to do some basic computer troubleshooting by myself. Case in point: using Apple message boards to troubleshoot iTunes.
The Beginning of the Personality Tests
Anywho, the first test which I waded through was the Jung Typology Test. Apparently, my type is ISFP (Introverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving), with the greatest strength of preference being the feeling part (25%). Also, here is what else this test has said:
You are:
slightly expressed introvert
slightly expressed sensing personality
moderately expressed feeling personality
slightly expressed perceiving personality
Well, what can I say? To many I might appear to be a social butterfly (which I certainly am in some situations), but I suppose that my preferences to relax at home, my infrequent "partying" adventures, and my enjoyment of personal time have made this test biased in favor of a more introverted approach. My opinion? Although I know I have wide-ranging connections, and a huge expanse of acquaintances, I do still love my personal time... I cannot spend all of my time around other people. But is that so abnormal? I wonder if perhaps I am more introverted than extroverted. Maybe I am, and I just WISH to be more extroverted. Argh personality tests.
The thing about personality tests is that, when you get older, you sort of "figure out" their tricks. You know, like you can predict which answers will go with which type of personality. The nicer thing about this test was that it was not so blatantly obvious as to what type of personality it would award me. Still, one can work themselves into frustration simply by overthinking the various questions... and of course, one can easily get bored and pick an answer, or... one can be ashamed of the true answer to a specific question, and purposely pick the other answer.
I'm sure all of those have to do with some other personality attribute. Perhaps they should create a test to deal with those issues.
More to come on this test in its relation to technology after I complete the other personality tests. Ciao!